Career Thoughts...
“…My manager expects a lot more from me. But I don’t think I have the skills to reach there.”
“…I have been in this role for the last 4 years and people younger than me have been promoted twice!”
“…People ask me where I see myself in a few years. But I am not really sure what my career path would look like.”
“…As a new manager, I have to juggle so many responsibilities and be answerable for everything my team does. I haven’t mastered the art yet.”
Happy Careers
Millennials and Gen-Zers are often misunderstood as being less committed or as being job hoppers. However, if you look closely you would have to agree that this generation has been a game changer with quick innovation and rapid disruption and change.
Therefore, the answer lies in equipping them with the right skills, work life integration, paving a promising career path, lot of communication and engagement, along with preparing for innovation and change.
And so, whether you are looking at fostering a change in culture, or equipping managers with new skills or preparing individuals to transform in the light of a large organizational change, The Happy Space can create custom made solutions for you.
- The Millennial Manager
- Onboarding Millennials To Stay
- Crafting Your Brand
- Transitioning to A New Role
- Coaching Skills for Managers
- Career Skills for 21st Century
- Influencing for Win Win
- Planning Your Next Move
- Nurturing My Career
Career Guidance for Millennials, Gen-Zers
and more....

Quick Self-Check Corner
Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you think that you feel stuck and need help in your career.
- Struggling to transition from your old individual contributor to a managerial role?
- Have so many ideas but they go unheard in the board room?
- Finding it uneasy to manage a difficult team member?
- Want to help develop your team member’s careers by developing effective feedback and coaching skills?
- Feeling stuck in a role for too long and want to fast track your career?
- Wondering how to hire and onboard new talent flawlessly?
- Want to develop new skills that can accelerate your career? (time management, influencing skills, interviewing skills, leadership etc.)
- Starting off a new job/ role or your own venture and need support?
- You are a teenager or a parent of a teenager, contemplating various options for senior school, college or a new job?