When The Heart Speaks ...
“…Being a parent has not been easy. I want to foster a trusting environment. Someday if my child is in trouble, I want them to approach me without fear.”
“…I just broke up with my boyfriend. I guess we were not so compatible. But I’m hurt and can’t focus on living my life to the fullest.”
“…I got married 3 months ago. I love my spouse very much. As an individual who grew up in a nuclear household , it has been overwhelming for me to adapt to a joint family.”
Happy Relationships
"There is only one happiness in life: TO LOVE & BE LOVED."
- George Sands
People can’t live without each other. Which is why, relationships with your loved ones can make or break your personal happiness and drive to achieve your life’s purpose. Our desire to seek constant love, care and approval is rooted in our genes – as an infant wanting mama’s hugs, a teenager striving for recognition among peers in school, to young adults seeking a life partner and parents who long for a caring children and so on.
Coaching or counselling can help you gain insight into aspects of your relationship that need work. With commitment and effort to turn around your life with your loved ones, coaching can be a powerful tool.
- To Be Your Child's Best Friend
- Caring for the Ageing Parents
Healing From A Broken Relationship
- Happy Teen Years
- Adapting to A New Family
- The Art of Staying Together
Getting Ready for Dating/ Marriage
and more......

Quick Self-Check Corner
A quick handy check-list to assess the quality of your relationships.
- A relationship you thought was meant to be didn’t last. You feel heartbroken and need help to move on?
- Just got married and you feel overwhelmed with all the new changes in your life?
- Things have not been great with your manager and co-workers of late?
- You love your spouse, but you are struggling to maintain a healthy relationship with in-laws?
- Parenting has been trial and error. Whether you have a new born baby, toddler , teenager – you want to be an effective parent and help your child?
- Taking care of ageing parents and it hasn’t been easy?
- Your marriage started out great. The spark is dying gradually and you want to re-ignite the spark?
- You are looking to find a life partner and want to prep yourself to start dating ?
- Single parenting? Long distance? Split families? Need help maintaining a harmonious environment at home?